
Whether you feel low, overwhelmed or anxious, struggling with your physical health, having difficulties at work or in your relationship, feeling angry, stuck, afraid or confused or you simply wish to understand yourself better, you are in the right place!

I offer psychological therapy for:

  • Stress – Anxiety- Burn out
  • Low mood - depression
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Work related stress
  • Panic attacks - phobias
  • Trauma - PTSD
  • Relationship difficulties – separation - divorce
  • Low self-esteem - lack of confidence
  • Adjustment difficulties - coping with transition and life change - bereavement
  • Cardiac conditions – long Term Conditions
  • Long Covid – post-viral fatigue – chronic fatigue

Seeking professional help for our psychological difficulties can be a daunting experience, especially when we feel vulnerable or overwhelmed with life. Finding the right therapist is very important as you need to feel comfortable, safe and at ease with the person you are working with. My goal is to offer you a self-exploration journey that will help you live a considered and meaningful life.

Mina Arvanitopoulou

Principal Clinical Psychologist

Clinical Psychologist in North London

Opening up to a stranger, facing our fears or admitting that we may not be coping as well as we would like, may feel one of the hardest things that we are going to do in our lives. However, it would also be the greatest investment for ourselves, as through therapy, we can understand and connect with ourselves better, find the support we need to deal with either long term or recent difficulties, empower ourselves and make the necessary changes to feel happier.

You do not need to suffer from a mental health problem to seek psychological therapy. Therapy can be very helpful in improving your awareness of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, teaching you on how to look after yourself and effective coping strategies or how to connect better with people.

With a greater understanding of ourselves, we can lead a more fulfilled and happier life, the life we deserve...

Mina Arvanitopoulou - Principal Clinical Psychologist, North London
t: 07917 417152

© Psych Therapies Limited with Company Registration No. 7534533